Features for Licensed Venues

A licensed venue has specific requirements for resource and risk management as well as Government reporting obligations.

Our software provides these features, defined to us by key contacts in the hospitality industry.


This module provides an interface for a venue’s administrator to view and download weekly rosters, view and address current compliance issues as well as generating deployment sheets for sections of a venue.

The roster view provides a quick reference to start and finish times for staff as well as a link to their detail page and their contract employer.

Incident Matrix

This module provides a real-time snapshot of all incidents at a venue, listing the staff involved, at a time and location. Links are provided to further details recorded in the database of evidence.

Contractor Management

The contractor management module allows the venue administrator to manage relationships with security contractors.  From this page a venue may request or terminate contractors as well as view a history of all contractors involved with a venue.

Big Data, Downunder