Features for Security Contractors

Our software has been developed with extensive consultation in the security industry. Applying feedback from security contracting companies we have developed a Contractor Module to simplify the time-consuming weekly tasks undertaken in the management of staff, rosters, compliance and reporting.


As the primary manager of rostering in the system, the contractor has access to powerful rostering features. New rosters can be created and instantly propagated to guards and venues. Existing rosters can be copied to following weeks and our intelligent database will make suggestions if and where changes are needed.

This is the core of our resource management system.

Incident Matrix

This module allows a contractor to view real-time reports on incidents involving any of their contractors, displaying the location, time and nature of incidents.  Each incident in the summary list is linked to detailed data.

Additional evidence for an incident can be added by a contractor and reports easily exported in PDF format for further investigations.

Guard & Staff Management

The guard management module allows a contractor to select staff for employment, manage current staff directly employed as well as managing subcontracted staff from other contractors.

Venue Management

This module allows a security contractor to manage relationships with licensed premises and other venues.  A contractor can also see previous venue relationships.

Contractor Relationship Management

This module allows a contractor to manage both controlling and subordinate relationships with other contracting firms.

Big Data, Downunder