Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How secure is our information?
A: Each user has access to the system on a ‘need to know’ basis. Employers have access to their staff and interviewees. A user’s information is protected by a password.

Q: Where is the information stored?
A: Information is stored on a database server in Australia and backed up regularly throughout the day.

Q: Can we have a copy of the software/database/information on our computer?
A: The system relies on daily updates from SLED and other licensing agencies as well as internal, shared databases for rostering and incident reporting. One of the strengths of this system is the ability to match and share metadata for the benefit of all users. Another is the multi-platform ‘always available’ nature of the cloud-based interface.

Q: Can other companies see my information?
A: Other companies can only see information explicitly shared with them. For instance, if a Master Licence contractor holder works with a subcontractor, then licensee information is shared according to the relationship between the Master License holders.

Q: If I am a subcontractor, can the master contractors see all of my guards?
A: No, only the guards you pass control of can be used by the master contractor to roster shifts. They can also roster you a shift without choosing a guard, so that you can choose any of your guards.

Q: Can every login for my company access all features?
A: Each login has a permission level that is used to control what features they can access. This can limit a login’s access to change important sections like rostering and controlling guards.

Q: Do I still have to send guards’ RSAs to venues?
A: If your venue is using this system and you or the guard have uploaded their RSA to the system, then you will not have to send the guard’s RSA to the venue.  They will automatically be notified that they need to print the RSA and given the RSA to print off.


Big Data, Downunder